Dec 30, 20194 min read
From the Editorial Board: Launch of CADR Newsletter and updates for the upcoming year
Dear Readers, Season’s greeting to you. As the decade concludes, and we ring in a new year, it is a joyous moment for us at CADR, RGNUL....
Paras Jain
Nov 29, 20198 min read
Structuring Investment Arbitration Agreements in Post-Achmea Europe
Paras Jain* Introduction The decision given by the CJEU in the case of Slowakische Republik (Slovak Republic) v. Achmea BV [1] ...
Nov 27, 20194 min read
Value Addition in ADR Research: The Case for this Blog
Dear Readers, Greetings from the Centre for Alternative Dispute Redressal (CADR) , Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL) and...